Organizational Chart/Structure District Jail Tuensang


  • The Executive
  • The Custodial
  • The Ministerial
  • The Healthcare
  • The Counseling


The Executive

The executive consist of Superintendent of Jail, Jailor and Asstt. Jailor.

The responsibility of the Executive:

  • Superintendent of Jail: Controlling, drawing and disbursing officer.
  • Jailor: Chief Executive Officer of the Jail.
  • Jailor: To assist Jailor and charge of Prisoners statistics and maintenance of its record and allied works, NHRC/Hon’ble Courts/assembly and Parliamentary Affairs/Question and its relevant correspondence. All matter relating to Prisoners, maintenance of stock book and Dietary Register etc.


The Custodial

The Custodial consist of Chief Head Warder, Head Warder, F/Head Warder, M/Warder, F/ Warder. Chief Head Warder is the head of the custodial staff; he is entrusted with Maintenance of strict discipline of all custodial staff and to secure the inmates in all respect, safe custody of locks and keys of all the Jail wards and daily checking of warder staff on duty.


The Ministerial

The Ministerial Staff headed by Sr. H.A followed by UDA and LDA Cum Computer Assistant. The Superintendent assigns works and functions to the Ministerial staff and may dismiss them. The responsibilities of ministerial staff are handling of cash and maintenance of Cash Book. Preparation of Budget, Bills and Audit matter and correspondences. Maintenance of office stationeries, leave account, transfer and posting and matter relating to retirement / pension of Staffs’. Maintenance and up keep of Files and Register for the office establishment. In charge of typing pool, issue of & dispatch section. Maintenance of Service Book & personal File, GPF Pass Book and its Accounts of all categories of staff.


The Healthcare

Medical officer from District Hospital assist the Healthcare of the prisoner’s welfare and he is assisted by Pharmacist. Their responsibilities are conducts thorough searches of prisoners and other structures for prohibited items as critical tools, drugs etc. and responds quickly to calls for assistance from the prison, assists in providing general medical, psychiatric, dispenses medication and drugs under the supervision of medical officer and to attend all the sick Prisoners daily. Charge of Medicines, Medical Equipments, maintenance of its records and to assist Medical Officer of the Jail.


The Counseling

The Jail Chaplain is the counselor and he plays the professional and important role in the correctional system. He helps rehabilitate inmates during their stay in prison and prepare them to reintegrate into the real world once they are released. He  minister the prisoners/Inmates make them to introspect one’s self and giving them a sense of purpose in life making them to believe in themselves and recognize their talents & skills they have and channel them for good. To administer the prisoners spreading faith within and creating more space for transformation and rehabilitation, to make lives inside and out the prison ensuring that fewer inmates commit crimes after they are released.

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