District Jail,Kohima



Monthly Population For the month of March 2021

Name of the Jail UTP’s Convicts NSA Others Total
  M F M F M F M F M F
District Jail, Kohima 41 01 10 X 05 X      56  01



  1. Total number of Convict Prisoners (As on 31st 2016) : – 06 (six)
  2. Total number of Convict Prisoners added. (Jan. & Feb. 2017): – Nil
  3. Total number of Convict Prisoners released. (Jan. & Feb. 2017): – 01 (one)
  4. Total number of Convict Prisoners at the end of the month (As on 28th 2017): – 05 (five)




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Fortnightly as on 15/03/2017

1. Total No. of Convict Prisoners. 05
2. Total No. of Undertrial Prisoners. 80
3. Total No. of N.S.A. Detenue.
4. Others
  Total 85



a. In custody for more than 10 (Ten) years.
b. In custody for more than 5 to 10 years.
c. In custody for more than 3 to 5 years. 01
d. In custody for more than 2 to 3 years. 03
e. In custody for more than 1 to 2 years. 24
f. In custody below 1 (One) year. 52
g. N.C.L. (others) Children.
  Total 80



1). No. of Wards                             – 11

2). Female enclosure Ward           – 01

3). Church                                       – 01

4). Centralized Kitchen                 – 01

5). Library                                       – 01

6). Guard Room                              – 01

7). Vocational Room                     – 01

8). Recreational Room                  – 01


Activities in the Jail.

Devotions/ Church Fellowship.

Churched/Organization under permission to visit the Jail.

1).Shalom Bible Seminary, Zubza, Kohima

Every 1st & 3rd Saturday.

2). Laymen Evangelical Fellowship, Kohima

Every 2nd & 4th Saturday.


Prisoners Welfare: –

  • Visit by Nagaland State legal aid Authority twice a month.
  • Medical Weekly  visit  by  Medical Officer  I/c. Serious  cases  are  sent  to Naga Hospital Authority, Kohima as per the direction of the Medical Officer I/c. Full time on-call Pharmacist available for consultations.        




1 Accountability Mechanism , Board of Visitors * Empanel Advocate from District Legal Service Authority, Kohima visit from time to time

* List of convict eligible for pre-mature release are sent t District Review Committee when case arise

2 Legislative action District Jail, Kohima execute Legislative Action as per the Assam Jail Manual, MHA guidelines and Supreme Court guidelines.
3 Overcrowding Nil
4 Prisoners of foreign nationality Nil
5 Prison administration *Superintendent of Jail is the head f the department, Jailor is the Chief Executive Officer, Asstt. Jailor and custodial staff.

*Surprise checking in the jail is conduct from time to time

*Frisking of every officials and prisoners in all ‘in’ and ‘out’ of the gate

6 Activities for prisoners For recreational activities-Volley ball, Table tennis, Carrom, Ludo are provided.
7 Women prisoners *Separate enclose for female prisoners

*Female prisoners are look after by female custodial staff

8 Skill Development and capacity Building of Prisoners Small handicraft unit is function for their skill development.
9 Health care of prisoners *Weekly visit of Medical officer from Naga Hospital Authority, Kohima.

*At present Pharmacist post is left vacate which is urgently required.

10 Sanitation and drinking waters *Govt. PHE water supply line is provided in Jail

*Boil water for drinking

*Social work conducted from time to time.

11 Environmental issues Nil
12 Reformation *Jail Chaplin conduct service and other activities for reformation of the prisoners.

*Visit of Church members from time to time

13 Rehabilitation Handicraft unit for the purpose of rehabilitation
14 NGO and Social Workers *KRIPA Foundation visit from time to time

*Various other Social Workers visit from time to time

15 Security for high security prisoners *High security prisoners are transfer to Central Jail

*1(one) Unit of 8th NAP is deployed for Jail security

*Sufficient warders in every shift are deployed for Jail security

16 Young offenders Nil
17 Any other best practice Newspaper, Television connection and Magazines are provided to prisoners.





  1. Total Number of Under trial Prisoners currently in Jail : – 82 (eighty two)
  2. Total number of SC/ST/OBC : – 56 (ST)+ 22 (SC)+ 4 (OBC) = 82 (eighty two)
  3. Total number of Under trial Prisoners represented through private lawyer : – 63 (sixty three)
  4. Total number of Under trial Prisoners represented through Legal Aid lawyer: – 19 (Nineteen)
  5. Details of Under trial Prisoners : – 40






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